Secure Software Application Development

Off the Shelf Projects

SOCOM AT&L & Academic Institution Cooperation Platform

In February 2020, the United States Special Operations Command ‘s Special Operations Forces Acquisition, Technology and Logistics office awarded the Institute of Applied Engineering at the University of South Florida a contract to leverage the expertise of the nation’s top academic institutions under an “Academic Consortium”.

Historically, the efforts to connect to academics have not been successful.  Previous tools were not easy to use, and didn’t provide great feedback to the users, manual workflow limited the growth and efficiencies of the program managers, and users who submitted capabilities and/or proposals were often left wondering due to lack of response or feedback.  

The Institute of Applied Engineering, recognizing the need for an efficient platform that allows the SOF AT&L program offices to interact with national universities, hired Strike Labs LLC to build the customized technical infrastructure.

The vision of application was a combination of GovTribe, Beta.Sam and OpenGov, built with the influence of a great designer.

Key Features Include:

  • Multiple User Credentials

  • Two-Factor Authentication

  • Invitation to invite colleagues

  • Request for Proposal Opportunity Board

  • Proposal Submission

  • Messaging Platform

  • And much more

As Strike Labs continues to support SOCOM, IAE, and academic institutions, Strike Labs will continue to support the growth of the platform.

Visit IAE Academic Consortium Portal portal or contact us to learn more.

Application Screenshots

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